KENJI Policies

Anti-Modern Slavery Statement

Our policy

The KENJI group of companies prohibits slavery, forced labour and human trafficking of any kind in relation to our business operations and our supply chains. We support the promotion of ethical business practices and policies to protect workers from any kind of abuse or exploitation in relation to our group businesses and supply chains.

Our group businesses

We are a general variety goods value retailer with stores operating in the UK. Our stores offer customers a large range of general merchandise products. Our group includes the following businesses:

  • the KENJI general merchandise retail stores business which operates throughout the whole of the UK;
  • the KENJI Wholesale business which operates and supplier national and chain retailers in UK, Europe and Asia.

Communication, compliance and risk assessment

In the last year we have taken the following steps in relation to our policy on anti-slavery and human trafficking:

  • KENJI has continued to communicate the Group’s Workplace Policy to suppliers along with KENJI’s standard terms and conditions of purchase, which make it a condition of trading with KENJI that suppliers adhere to our Workplace Policy standards;

Our Workplace Policy will be reviewed from time to time, and at least once annually, to determine if any changes are required and any further communication with employees and suppliers.

In relation to the Group’s assessment of risk, a balance is drawn between reasonable reliance on verification processes which are required by our Group businesses or our sourcing agents. A small number of foods are sourced direct from produce suppliers. These are from a limited number of major suppliers who operate highly mechanised businesses which are non-labour intensive.

The vast majority of products which are imported into the UK by KENJI are sourced from Japan, China and Thailand. These are mainly machine manufactured goods, as opposed to labour intensive handmade products.

Where necessary overseas suppliers are required by the Group’s sourcing agent to provide social compliance reports. This also applies in relation to non-sourcing agent procured overseas suppliers. This provides a check on compliance with local laws and regulations including labour practices.

KENJI’s main Asia based sourcing agent and, where practicable, members of our UK buying team visit new suppliers also as part of our verification processes.


Consequences of failure to comply with our policy by our suppliers

In the event of any suspected failure by a supplier to comply with our Workplace Policy Statement, we will then investigate the circumstances of it with the supplier. In the event of a breach of the policy being identified as a result of such an investigation, we will review what appropriate remedial action we require the supplier to undertake and also determine on a case by case basis whether our trading relationship with that supplier should be monitored, suspended or terminated.

Our commitment

We continue to strive to find effective ways of improving communication and adherence to ethical business practices and assessment of risks and always welcome feedback from all stakeholders in relation to our business. Our policies, procedures and approach to verification processes are geared toward what we think are balanced and reasonable, practical and effective.


This statement is made under section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and is our anti-modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year 2021/2022.

This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors.

Signed on behalf of KENJI (UK) Limited

Where to buy

Visit us at your local KENJI Store to browse and be inspired by the full range of our products!

London - Westfield Stratford City

SU0041, Westfield Stratford City (Floor LG), London E20 1EH

Mon - Fri, 10am - 9pm
Saturday, 9am - 9pm
Sunday, 12am - 56pm

Instagram: @kenjistratford

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West Midlands - Merry Hill

Unit L33, Merry Hill Centre (Lower Mall), Brierley Hill, DY5 1SJ

Mon - Fri, 9am - 8.50pm
Saturday, 9am - 7pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm

Instagram: @kenjimhill

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Birmingham - Bullring

Unit SU501 Middle Mall, Bullring (Level 1/ Floor GF), B5 4BE

Mon - Fri, 10am - 8pm
Saturday, 9am - 8pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm

Instagram: @kenjibirmingham

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Manchester - Trafford Centre

126 Regent Crescent, Trafford Centre (First Floor), M17 8AP

Mon - Fri, 10am - 10pm
Saturday, 10am - 9pm
Sunday, 12pm - 6pm

Instagram: @kenjitraffordcentre

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 Liverpool - Liverpool ONE

Unit 45, Lower South John Street, Liverpool ONE, L1 8JQ

Mon - Fri, 10am - 8pm
Saturday, 10am - 7pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm

Instagram: @kenjiliverpool 

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Sheffield - Meadowhall

29a The Arcade, Meadowhall (Upper Level), S1 1EH

Mon - Fri, 10am - 9pm
Saturday, 9am - 8pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm

Instagram: @kenjimeadowhall

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Manchester - Arndale Centre

173 Halle Mall, Arndale Centre (Upper Mall), M4 1AH

Mon - Fri, 9am - 8pm
Saturday, 9am - 8pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm

Instagram: @kenjiarndale

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Warrington - Golden Square Shopping Centre

68 The Mall, WA1 1QE

Mon - Fri, 9:30am - 5:pm
Late night Thursdays - 9:30am - 8pm
Saturday, 9am - 6pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm

Instagram: @kenjiwarrington

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Preston - St. George's Shopping Centre

24 Fishergate Walk, PR1 2NR

Mon - Fri, 9am - 5:15pm
Saturday, 9am - 5:15pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm

Instagram: @kenjistgeorges

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Bury - Millgate Shopping Centre

11 The Mall, BL9 0QQ

Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm
Saturday, 9am - 5pm
Sunday, 10am - 4pm

Instagram: @kenjibury

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